Other Analytics

Chat Session Overview

This will help you to have an overview of the Total message sent & average messages sent by Agent according to the TimeSpan selected.

Here is a graph, Redline indicated the average message & the Blue bar denoted the message sent per day.

Visitors Cumulative & Visitor Reference :

  1. Visitor Cumulative shows the top 20 pages from where the chat was initiated.

  2. Visitor Reference shows from which the top 20 URL’s customers redirected to our page.

Browser Overview, Device’s Overview & Operating system Overview

Browser Overview: 

It shows which browser(Chrome, IE, etc..) is being used by the customers overall. E.g., From the below graph, you can know that the majority(81%) of the customer are using Chrome as a browser.

Device’s Overview:

It shows from which Device(Desktop, Mobile, tablet) customer is using our application. 

Operating system Overview:

This graph shows which the customer is using OS (Windows, MAC, etc.).