Training the Support bot

The Chatbot represents a booming trend in online interaction, helping to provide information quickly to customers, and for users to get straight to the point without the need to hang on to a hold message or scour a FAQ page for information.

Here you can efficiently train your Acquire Chatbot by dynamically adding frequently asked questions and providing predetermined answers/

There are two ways of adding questions to Acquire Chatbot. 

1. By inserting questions and their responses manually 


2. By importing a CSV file.

To manually add questions, you will need to click Add New Question. Once you click it, a new popup window will appear where you can feed it questions. This is a highly useful tool, as you can answer different but similar questions with a singular comprehensive response.  Once you are satisfied, you can save the changes.

You might have noticed Post Action below the General tab at the top left panel. This is where you can trigger a post action, i.e., redirect the user to a particular URL, if the Bot answers a specific question.

You can also set the status of the question and if you want feedback as active or disabled, i.e., if the status is set to active but want feedback is set to disabled, then the Question will be asked, but the bot will not ask for feedback. You are also able to choose whether you want to Publish to Bot Q&A or Knowledge Base Articles.


To import questions and answers via a CSV file, you will click the "Import Questions" button; you will see a window like this:

Download the sample file and feed your question and answers in it following the below format.

The sample file will look like this: 

After adding questions and answers in the correct format, you will need to save the file as a".CSV" file and choose from the saved location to upload.

And you're all set; your question can be seen in the left panel of Bot Q/A in the suggested section.

If you are satisfied with the imported/added question, you can make them live for the chatbot. You will need to click on the right arrow as mentioned in the below snap:

Once you complete this step, your questions will be moved from Suggested to the Questions in use panel. Your questions are now Live!

Now, these questions and answers can be used by the Acquire chatbot after applying triggers.

And lastly, you can test via your test page

You can also verify whether a chatbot is answering correctly.

Voila! It's the same answer. Your Chatbot is ready to go!