Import articles from Zendesk Guide

If you are already using Zendesk Guide for your help center articles, you can import them to Acquire's knowledge base. 

To begin, go to Chat Bot>>Knowledge Base Articles and click "Import Article."

After clicking the Import Article button, you will be shown a screen where you can input your relevant Zendesk information. Please make sure to put your Account Subdomain URL, email address, API Token,  and the language of the article.

You will be able to find your API key in the Admin Dashboard of your Zendesk Account. 

From there make sure the article that you wish to import is published in Guide and has a title and contents.

Make sure to click the Import button at the bottom of the screen to ensure it is imported after typing your Zendesk information. Please note that all articles will appear as drafts at the top of the list. You will need to change them manually to Publish them to your knowledge base. 

If you have any questions or need help please contact us on Live Chat or email us at