iOS App

Sometimes your users are not at their workstations but still want to be able to chat with visitors. With Acquire’s iOS app your users can chat with your website visitors on the go. Below is an overview of how to download and use the iOS app. 

Go to the App Store and type “Acquire Chat” in the top text bar and hit “Search”. Here you will find the Acquire App.

Click the Acquire app page and select “Get”. You may be prompted for your Apple ID login information. 

Once installed, open the App and make sure you are connected to the internet. You will be prompted to log in to your Acquire account. 

Once successfully logged in you will be taken to your home page where you can view online visitors. In the menu tab, you will be able to view your App options. 

In the Menu Tab, you have the option of turning on Notifications, getting help from support and logging out. 

Please Note: Notifications will only appear when you are in the App.


In the App home page clicking any of the visitors will open and start a new chat. These chats will appear in a section labeled Active Chats on the home page. 

Once inside the Chat, you can voice and video call the visitor in question and find out detailed visitor information. 

You can finally close the Chat by clicking the “x” button in the Chat and clicking “Ok

If you have any questions or need help please contact us on Live Chat or email us at