General Settings - Shortcuts

Shortcuts are used during a chat to increase the productivity of users by frequently used canned responses. Access this page by going to Settings>>General Settings>>Shortcuts. These shortcuts can be used by using a unique character “/” or a shortcut key that you decide.

You can drag and drop shortcuts in the above screen to rearrange the order in the chatbox. To create a new shortcut, click on the “New Shortcut” button, then enter the Shortcut name, Select the department finally add your message and click "Save." Now, this shortcut can be called during a chat by using the designated shortcut key.

The department should only be filled out if your organization will require department-specific shortcuts. To make shortcuts available to all users, leave the department section blank. Below is an example of how the shortcuts look from a user perspective. 

*Please note that shortcuts can take some time to implement so it is important to log in and log out before when testing shortcuts.*

If you have any questions or need help, come to Live Chat or email us at