General Settings - Conversion

You can track the conversion rate for visitors that were successfully converted to potential leads within Acquire. This setting in Acquire is under Settings >> General Settings >> Conversion

You will be able to track all chats that led to a sale using the goals feature. You can also set up any conditions you want to follow, i.e., a sale or sign up, and automatically tie them to chats. Click "Add conversion" to create your first conversion metric. .

Conversions will help you filter the most relevant information. You can add your conversion and can mention your target URL and set up a period for it. If it meets within the targeted period, it will count as a conversion. Add a description as necessary. 

The best way to think about tracking conversions is by drawing parallels between the first step of signup to the up to the final stage of signup, on the welcome page. That way, you can track how many visitors were on the first step, how many proceeded to the second step, and how many completed signup.