General Settings - Feedback Settings
Advanced Options - Here, you can customize your feedback to suit your organizational needs.
Default - Uses a Scale of 5 Emojis after every Live Chat for visitors to select.
Custom - Uses a custom feedback question that prompts visitors to respond to a catered response.
Disable - Selecting this will disable any feedback questions you create and the default feedback question.
Feedback Questions
Question Title - The specific question you would like to get from your visitors. i.e., How would you rate your Support experience on a scale of 1-5?
Question Type - Select from a rating that is determined by Stars, Numbers, Thumbs, Text, Radio buttons, or Checkboxes.
Value - Each question type has a different set of values catered to each response, some have different selectable options, Stars default to a maximum of 5. The Numbers setting has a range of 5 or 10 to select from. Thumbs has the Thumbs Up and Thumbs Down options for visitors. If Text is selected, you can choose between single-line or multi-line text. With Radio Buttons and Checkboxes you can add as many value options as you see fit by clicking Enter after each one.
Question Status - Select this to enable or disable a question.
Department - Select which department you want this feedback question to apply to.
Make sure to click "Save" when you have finished making changes to your feedback questions.