General Settings - Custom Attributes

Online Form Settings 

Advanced Options - Here, you can customize your chat forms to suit your organizational needs.

Online Form Settings - Here, you can select which fields you would like to capture from the customer when Users are online before starting the Live Chat. 

Several default fields are provided in the Online Form including, Name, Message, Email Address, Phone Number, and Department namely. To change the name of these fields, make sure to click the Google Translate Icon next to the field you wish to change.

Extra Fields - You can add custom fields that better match your organizational terminology to capture from your visitors.

Notified Setting - Here you can, send an automated message to customers who have been waiting for a certain amount of time.

Use the title to give a notification to the client and the question to ask them to fill out the form. 

Offline Form Settings 

Advanced Options - Most of these settings work in the same way as the offline chat form with a few differences.

You may enable the chat form after some seconds that are specified by you. 

You also have the option to Send a mail transcript to any email address(es) of your choosing. 

Finally, you can enable an offline visitor message to be sent to address visitors that are missed outside of operating hours.