Knowledge Base

Import and export articles

Within Acquire, you can import and export articles quite easily. This allows you to mass import articles from another source in a CSV Format. Articles can be exported in CSV format to be used in an organization's knowledge base. 

Import Articles

To begin, go to ChatBot > Knowledge Base Articles and click "Import Article."

In the Import articles section, you will see the option to download a sample CSV file to upload to Acquire.

The Title, Description, and About are all found within this sample CSV file. Please make sure to follow the below format exactly to ensure the articles are imported.

In the Import article section, choose the correct CSV file and then click "Upload." 

The next page will allow you to confirm the articles that are to be uploaded when you are finished, click "Import All."

Finally, the imported articles will appear as drafts on the top of the Acquire Knowledge Base Article list. Please change them to published once you confirm that they are accurate and fit your organizational requirements. 

Export Articles

To begin, click the export icon on the top right-hand corner of the Knowledge Base Articles tab. Here you will have the option of exporting all articles both published and draft or exporting articles based on specific filters.

The filters can be set in the tab and then you will click the "export filtered" option in the export icon. A common use for this would be to only choose to export articles that are published.

If you have any questions or need help please contact us on Live Chat or email us at