Knowledge Base

Getting Started with Knowledge Base

Knowledge Base Articles

This is a general overview for a deep dive into how to create and update articles click the link below:

Here you can create your own Knowledge Base articles using the toolbar below.

The toolbar has multiple features to customize your articles. Articles that are created can be drafts initially and once approved can be published to your knowledge base.

Using the gear icon next to Add new article, You can manage and add categories. Articles can easily be added and removed from categories. This is useful if you have a specific product that you feel deserves its own section in your Knowledge Database.

Knowledge Base Setup

We provide a pre-defined format to use out of the box. However, you are able to customize all menus and basic functionality to your needs.  You can also add links to the footer and also make additional changes using the APIs.

Everything can be customized except the Default help center URL which is generated by the system. Using this URL, your visitors can visit your help docs. However, you can also create a custom knowledge base domain.

You can also add some new menu items including the “Top Button Text” and “Get start Button”. By clicking "Add Field", a new menu will be created.

You can also Customize How it looks by changing the below-predefined settings.

You can also add your copyright, Privacy policy, Terms and conditions URLs at the footer.

Apart from this, if you want to customize your own Knowledgebase setup and make highly customizable changes like  button position, color and general appearance you can use our APIs and also developers section of knowledge base using the link below: