Support with Chat
Transferring Chats and Inviting users
Sometimes it is helpful to ask a colleague for their input or if they have experienced a particular issue before. But what if you want to involve another user in your chat? You can do this within Acquire via Chat Transfer and Conference Invitation. You can transfer chats to any other colleague or invite them for a conference cha via a link. It is important to note: Only users and Admins can transfer chats to other users. Visitors cannot do this.
Transferring Chats
Once the visitor has been on chat, and the conversation requires you to add some other member to the chat or agent. Users can use the Invite icon to invite another user to assist with the chat.
Once you click that button, you will have all users in your organization and can add the user that is best suited to assist with the issue.
All online users will be highlighted, whereas the offline one will appear "grey". You can also search users by name to add them quickly.
Inviting Guests to Join Chat
If users want to invite a guest to join the Chat, this can be done by copying the link under “Invite Guests” and sending it to the desired recipient. They can then join the chat immediately. Only users can invite others to the chat.
The Envelope icon will prompt you for an email address to send it via email to the desired person, and the Copy icon will copy the link to the clipboard.